About Us
AnFX Animation and Effects Studio and AnFX Chart / AmiChart are developed by Step Ahead Software, a software development company incorporated in 1994. We've been making products that our users love to use since that time.
AnFX Animation and Effects Studio is built on our "Movie model" framework that also forms the basis of AnFX Chart/AmiChart. This modular flexible framework allows us to create animation tools for just about any client scenario.
Step Ahead Software also performs software development/consulting in the area of Windows and Web applications for a large variety of companies. These companies range from large to small. Some of the larger companies that we have developed software for that you probably know are Lucent and Canon.
Step Ahead Software are also the creators of the pagebloom enterprise content management system CMS through which this site is hosted. pagebloom combines our many years of writing enterprise level software with the latest web technologies to produce an outstanding content management system that is both powerful and easy to learn and use.